I want to reproduce copyrighted works in a paper reader, digital reader or electronic learning environment (ELO) such as Canvas. What are the possibilities?

Last Updated: 30 Apr 2024     Views: 147

As a teacher you can, based on the Easy Access agreement between Dutch universities and Stichting UvO (an organization representing publishers), reproduce works as part of your educational materials without costs and without special permission as long as you stay within the indicated limits.  
These reproductions must be registered in the Educational Resource Repository (ERR).  

Short reproduction

  • Book or article: up to 25 pages.

Medium reproduction

  • Book or article: reproduction of between 26 and 40 pages from a work or journal issue, with a maximum of up to 20% of the work or journal issue.

Reproductions exceeding the limits stated above are considered “long reproductions” and permission must be obtained from the Stichting UvO through your faculty clearing office prior to use.

More information regarding the Easy Access agreement can be found on the website of the Stichting UvO (Dutch only).