Am I allowed to use, in order to support my work and without permission from the copyright holder, a passage of text, an image, or an audio(visual) work?

Last Updated: 16 Apr 2024     Views: 69

Yes, this is permitted under the right to quote, which allows you to use an image, passage of text, or part of an audio(visual) work without permission from the copyright holder for non-commercial purposes, provided the following legal conditions are met: 

  • The work quoted from has been legally published.
  • The quote serves to support the content of your work and not to embellish or ameliorate your work.
  • You may not copy any more than is strictly necessary. Images may, of course, be quoted in their entirety.
  • No changes may be made to quoted work.
  • The quoted source must be clearly referenced.

The most important requirement of the right to quote is that the passage of text, image, or part of an audio(visual) work must be used to support your work. It may not be added as a standalone part of your work: it must be an integral part of your work and subject to your work.