What should I pay attention to when digitally publishing my thesis or dissertation?

Last Updated: 18 Nov 2024     Views: 135

Digitally published files are indexed in detail by search engines. Once indexed, files containing sensitive information are very difficult to delete afterwards.

  • In the context of the GDPR rules, it is important to pay attention to privacy-sensitive information in your publication, i.e. to trace information back to a natural person. This includes e-mail addresses, address details and telephone numbers in, for example, interviews, datasets and surveys.
  • You can store or archive data sets belonging to your publication separately, if necessary, encrypted. For EUR staff, this can be done safely via the EUR Data Repository.
  • Does the foreword or acknowledgments of your publication contain personal information that you would rather not share with the whole world? Please enclose this as a separate insert that you can omit from a select number of printed publications.
  • The invitation of your PhD defence ceremony or Graduation day (with the names and telephone numbers of, for example, the doctoral candidate and/or paranymphs) is often printed on the cover of the dissertation or thesis. If so, please also submit a separate file as cover image, i.e. a file without the invitation text. This can be a PDF, JPG or PNG file.

Some more practical tips in attached document 'Tips for dissertations'