An increasing amount of theses are available online via the Erasmus University Thesis Repository.
Are you looking for a specific title, which doesn't appear in the Erasmus University Thesis Repository, check sEURch. Here you'll find the data of online theses published until 2013 and printed theses published until 2014. Printed theses can, just like books, be borrowed.
No full text available?
Not all theses in the thesis repository are available as full text, although the metadata is shown. The only way for you to access it would be to find the author via social media (for example LinkedIn or Facebook) and ask if they would be willing to provide you with a copy.
Not an EUR student or employee?
In some cases, you need an ERNA account to access the full text of an EUR thesis. Only EUR students and staff have such an account. If you are not a student or staff member of EUR, you can get an EUR-account for a day during the opening hours of the information desk. You will then have access to the online collection, including the Erasmus University Thesis Repository.
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