How can I search for literature by topic?

Last Updated: 06 Sep 2024     Views: 71

All information on searching, finding en managing literature can be found in our Information Skills portfolio. This portfolio contains short modules on a certain subject which consists of short explanatory texts, videos and exercises.

The Library offers access to many databases with journal articles, books, reports and other publications by discipline. These databases are not always accessible through search engines such as Google. Combine searching internet resources such as Google Scholar, Wikipedia with the library databases to achieve a search result that is as complete as possible.

When searching for literature on a particular topic you first focus your topic by reading about it in encyclopedias, newspapers, reference books and on the internet. Then you formulate a research question. What are you looking for exactly? Think of keywords, which define your subject as good as possible.

Search engine sEURch is a good way to start off your search. With sEURch, you can browse through a large part of the library collection at once. Searching by discipline (Guides per discipline) is a good option as well.